
To show available commands help run pycyapi --help. The following commands are available:

  • version: Show the current pycyapi version.

  • token: Retrieve a CyVerse authentication token.

  • user: Retrieve the user’s profile information.

  • list: List files in a collection.

  • stat: Get information about a file or collection.

  • pull: Download one or more files from a collection.

  • push: Upload one or more files to a collection.

  • exists: Check if a path exists in the data store.

  • create: Create a collection in the data store.

  • share: Share a file or collection with another user.

  • unshare: Revoke another user’s access to your file or collection.

  • tag: Set metadata for a given file or collection.

  • tags: Get metadata for a given file or collection.

To show usage information for a specific command, run pycyapi <command> --help.


To show the current version of pycyapi, use the version command:

pycyapi version


To request a CyVerse CAS authentication token, use the token command:

pycyapi token --username <your CyVerse username> --password <your CyVerse password>

The token can be passed via --token (-t) argument to authenticate subsequent commands.


The user command can be used to retrieve public profile information for CyVerse users. For instance:

pycyapi user -t <token> wbonelli


To list the contents of a collection in the data store, use the list command. For instance:

pycyapi list -t <token> /iplant/home/shared/iplantcollaborative/testing_tools/


To view metadata for a particular collection or object in the data store, use the stat command. For instance:

pycyapi stat -t <token> /iplant/home/shared/iplantcollaborative/testing_tools/


To download a single file from the data store to the current working directory, simply provide its full path:

pycyapi pull -t <token> /iplant/home/shared/iplantcollaborative/testing_tools/cowsay/cowsay.txt

To download all files from the /iplant/home/shared/iplantcollaborative/testing_tools/cowsay/ collection to the current working directory, just provide the collection path instead:

pycyapi pull -t <token> /iplant/home/shared/iplantcollaborative/testing_tools/cowsay/

Optional arguments are:

  • --local_path (-p): Local path to download files to

  • --include_pattern (-ip): File patterns to include (0+)

  • --force (-f): Whether to overwrite already-existing files


To upload all files in the current working directory to the /iplant/home/<my>/<directory/ in the CyVerse Data Store, use:

pycyapi push -t <token> /iplant/home/<username>/<collection>/

Optional arguments include:

  • --local_path (-p): Local path to download files to

  • --include_pattern (-ip): File patterns to include (0+)

  • --include_name (-in): File names to include (0+)

  • --exclude_pattern (-ep): File patterns to exclude (0+)

  • --exclude_name (-en): File names to exclude (0+)

To upload a single file to the data store, provide the --local_path (-p) argument. For instance:

pycyapi push -t <token> /iplant/home/<username>/<collection/ -p /my/local/file.txt

If only include_...s are provided, only the file patterns and names specified will be included. If only exclude_...s section are present, all files except the patterns and names specified will be included. If you provide both include_... and exclude_... sections, the include_... rules will first be applied to generate a subset of files, which will then be filtered by the exclude_... rules.


To determine whether a particular path exists in the data store, use the exists command. For instance, to check if a collection exists:

pycyapi exists -t <token> /iplant/home/<username>/<collection

The --type option can be provided with value dir or file to verify that the given path is of the specified type.


To create a new collection, use the create command:

pycyapi create -t <token> /iplant/home/<username>/<new collection name>


To share a file or collection with another user, use the share command:

pycyapi share -t <token> /iplant/home/<username>/<collection> --username <user to share with> --permission <'read' or 'write'>

Note that you must provide both the --username and --permission flags.


To revoke another user’s access to your file or collection, use the unshare command:

pycyapi unshare -t <token> /iplant/home/<username>/<collection> --username <username>

This applies to both read and write permissions for the specified user.


To set metadata for a given file object or collection in your data store, use the tag command:

pycyapi tag <data object ID> -t <token> -a k1=v1 -a k2=v2

This applies the two given attributes to the data object (attributes must be formatted key=value).

Warning: this command is an overwrite, not an append. We do not support appending tags as there is no Terrain endpoint to add/remove individual metadata attributes. Note also that by default, key/value pairs are passed on the avus attribute of the request body rather than irods-avus, e.g.:

    "irods-avus": [],
    "avus": [
            "attr": "some key"
            "value": "some value",
            "unit": ""

To configure irods-avus attributes as well as or in place of standard attributes, use the --irods_attribute (-ia) option. Both standard and iRODS attributes can be used in the same invocation.


To retrieve the metadata describing a particular file object or collection, use the tags command:

pycyapi tags <data object ID> -t <token>

This will retrieve standard attributes by default. To retrieve iRODS attributes instead, use the --irods (-i) option.